Legal Information

The SDAW/Foundation on German-American Academic Relations is a foundation without legal capacity which is held in trust by the Stifterverband.

Stiftung Deutsch-Amerikanische Wissenschaftsbeziehungen
in the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V.
Baedekerstraße 1
45128 Essen

T +49 (0)201 8401-0

Board of the Stifterverband (as defined by the law of associations)
Prof. Dr. Michael Kaschke (Chair)
Dr. Simone Bagel-Trah
Jochen Hanebeck
Dr. phil. Nicola Leibinger-Kammüller
Dr. Cornelius Riese
Dr. Reinhard Christian Zinkann
Dr. Volker Meyer-Guckel

Managing Director: Dr. Volker Meyer-Guckel (General Secretary)

Registered in the register of associations in Essen
VR 5776

Tax ID: 112/5950/0747

The Foundation is represented by
Gunther Hellmann (Chair of the Board)

Stiftung Deutsch-Amerikanische Wissenschaftsbeziehungen
Deutsches Stiftungszentrum
Baedekerstraße 1
45128 Essen

Responsible according to § 18 Abs. 2 MStV:
Matthias Schmolz



The necessary care has been exercised in collating this information. We nevertheless accept no liability whatsoever, whatever the legal grounds, that the information provided is accurate, up-to-date and complete. This website contains links to websites which have been set up by third parties. SDAW has no control whatsoever over the websites and the information, goods or services offered thereon. SDAW therefore accepts no responsibility whatsoever, whatever the legal reason, for the content of third-party websites. Links to these websites are used at the user’s own risk. SDAW reserves the right to amend or update the information, products or services offered on this website at any time without the need for a separate announcement. German law only is applicable and only German courts are competent in respect of any existing legal relationships or any which are established in the future.